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​Weapons Bans.

I have thought a lot about this particular subject and have in fact come to one invariable conclusion, banning ones right to self defense is not only extremely dangerous to individual rights as well as an individuals self determination and ability to defend ones life and property, but also threatens to destroy the very fabric of the American institution of life, Liberty herself. Banning an individuals personal freedom to bear arms, that is to arm oneself with whatever weapon is used in any particular age with which to defend oneself against the constant threat of violence that surrounds men, no matter what period of time we live, constitutes a more sinister threat than any terrorism I have ever seen throughout all my days. I will attempt to demonstrate on paper that which cannot be overlooked, but also that which is not, it seems, so easily seen. I'll remind the reader, that no matter what the overall opinion of the popular media and general consensus states on the overall safety of the public welfare, the very idea of sinister thought is deeply embedded within the minds of evil men at all times, no matter where they live, in every country around the world, always.​


Is not a bad word!



Stop the police state mentality!

​"You call me lazy, whilst I call myself a FREE person, either way, you are still trying to punish me for not doing what you want to force upon me."

Click here for blogs and other various documents.

Don't deny yourself freedom.​

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